Preparing for Computer Science at University

Reading, Super-curriculars, Oxbridge Interview Questions and More

Computer Science allows you to learn about the cutting-edge technologies which are pivotal in our everyday lives. It encapsulates a wide range of subjects, including business, psychology, mathematics and engineering. The subject is constantly developing, with new research areas emerging frequently. Studying Computer Science allows you to be at the forefront of new content, giving you the skills needed to progress in the everchanging world of technology.

Applying to study Computer Science at a Top UK University/ Oxbridge

If you have not coded before, don’t worry! Many people are in the same position or only have a small amount of previous experience. While it may seem intimidating at first, if you enjoy thinking logically and problem solving, programming could be a great fit for you. Showing that you are passionate and are keen to learn more is far more important than past experience. Logical thinking, mathematics and perseverance are some of the key traits to succeed on a Computer Science course.

How should I prepare? What could I include in my Computer Science personal statement?

Typically, people recommend reading books when you are preparing for university and thinking about what you can include in your personal statement. Books can be a great resource, and there are many books which give you a good overview of topics. However, this is not the only option available – podcasts, articles, blogs, and videos can all be great ways to learn about Computer Science, particularly new research. They are all perfect to mention in your Computer Science personal statement too! There are many different fields, such as Algorithms, Cybersecurity, Artificial Intelligence, Graphics, Networking and so on. Find which ones you are passionate about; there is no better way to learn than through independent exploration of a topic.

If you are keen to stretch yourself further, you may want to try to program something related to a specific field. For example, someone interested in Cryptography may read The Code Book by Simon Singh, and then attempt to program some of the basic encryption algorithms. Undertaking super-curricular activities that link together in this way will also provide fantastic content for your personal statement and potential university/ Oxbridge Computer Science interview.

Note that some books may go into more depth than you wish to explore, but they can still be a good resource. The following are some more general resources, but it is recommended to find fields that you are passionate about and explore these further.


  • Cormen, T.H., Leiserson, C.D., Rivest, R.L. and Stein, Introduction to AlgorithmsA famous book amongst Computer Scientists, with pseudocode rather than specific implementations to allow you to become comfortable with following algorithms

  • Charles Petzold, Code: The Hidden Language of Computer Hardware and SoftwareThis book details both hardware and software within a Computer System, from the basic details to a deeper understanding

  • J. Glenn Brookshear, Computer Science: An Overview  – An overview of various topics, considering the past and the future, as well as ethical issues within Computer Science

Reading resources to prepare for Oxbridge Computer Science application



  • Frank Stajano Explains – A YouTube channel run by a Cambridge Computer Science Lecturer, covering first year lectures through to tips on applying to university

  • Computerphile – Videos about a wide range of topics, to explore beyond the school curriculum

  • Numberphile – Develop your mathematical skills through interesting easy-to-watch videos which cover mathematical problems

  • 3Blue1Brown – Difficult mathematical problems described in simple terms

Resources for computer science university admissions to help answer Oxbridge Computer Science interview questions

Technology News

Keeping up with the technology news is a great way to become a more well-rounded Computer Scientist. Through the learning of new methodologies, inventions, and algorithms as well as the socio-economic issues technology can cause, you will be able to approach Computer Science problems from a real-world, well-rounded perspective. This can be as simple as checking the news every day and researching stories which interest you, or if you would like to explore further about current research, you could look at more specific websites like Science Daily.

Computer Science Super-curriculars

Super-curriculars are activities which take your studies further outside of the classroom. For university applicants, and Oxford/ Cambridge Computer Science applicants in particular, it is important to engage with your subject beyond the curriculum. For Computer Science, you could do a variety of different things:

Start a club at school: If your school does not have a club, it can be a great opportunity to meet likeminded people and solve problems together.

Learn a new programming language: You could explore a programming language which you have never done before. You do not need to become an expert but learning to write some of your own programs is both rewarding and enriching. There are plenty of tutorials for beginners online to help you get started. Check out our blog on why the next generation should learn to code here.

Logic puzzles: Computer Science is all about logic, so exploring logic puzzles can be a great way to become a better computer scientist, as well as being an interesting thing to do in your spare time! Some recommended resources include:

Competitions: Competing in competitions is a great way to learn more as well as to show off your knowledge. While they are not necessary for your application, they can be fun to compete in and show your willingness to take part in activities outside of the classroom.

Programming outside of the classroom: If you have programmed before, you could develop your knowledge further. For example, learning how to use different libraries, or trying to program something new. Apart from being a great way to learn, programming projects are a great thing to discuss on your personal statement or at an interview.

Oxbridge Computer science reading recommendations to develop ideas to excel in Oxbridge computer science interview

What is an Oxbridge Computer Science Interview like?

Every Oxbridge college may take a slightly different approach to the interview process; some require admissions exams, such as the CSAT (Computer Science Admissions Test). However, there will be a strong basis of maths and logic across all interview questions. The following tips apply:

  • Speak through what you are thinking: The interviewer cannot read your mind, and it is best to be explicit about the steps you are going through in your head

  • Be prepared to talk about your personal statement: While you may not be asked about your personal statement, you should be confident talking about it, including any books you have read

  • Work logically: The interviewer wants to see that you are thinking logically, so decompose larger problems into steps. This way, even if you do not get to a final answer, you have taken sensible logical approach

  • Get comfortable reading pseudocode: Even if you are not proficient in a specific programming language, being able to read pseudocode is an important skill when you are learning to code and is a good skill to have for the interview

Potential Oxbridge Computer Science Questions

  • At a party, everyone shook hands with everyone else. There were 66 handshakes. How many people were at the party?

  • Imagine you are given a list of n - 1 numbers, all different, and each between 0 and n - 1 inclusive. How could you find (in a reasonable time) a number between 0 and n - 1 that is not in the list?

  • You have two jars, 50 red marbles and 50 blue marbles. You need to place all the marbles into the jars such that when you blindly pick one marble out of one jar, you maximize the chances that it will be red. When picking, you’ll first randomly pick a jar, and then randomly pick a marble out of that jar. You can arrange the marbles however you like, but each marble must be in a jar

  • Two players take turns to throw a fair 6-sided die until one of them scored a six. What is the probability that the first player to throw the die is the first to score a six?

  • The six letters of the word RADIAN are written on six separate pieces of card. In an experiment, four cards are selected and placed next to each other, forming a four-letter arrangement. Calculate the number of different four-letter arrangements

By U2 Mentor, Tanya (Computer Science at Fitzwilliam College, Cambridge)

Looking for an Oxbridge Computer Science tutor for support with your application?

U2 offers CSAT admissions test preparation, as well as wider top UK University/ Oxbridge Mentoring programmes (book a free consultation to discuss options). We have a large team of Oxbridge-educated Computer Science tutors including 1st Class, Master’s and PhD level graduates.

The Process:

1) We suggest an Oxbridge Computer Science graduate as a tutor and send their full CV for review. Our tutors are deeply familiar with the admissions process to study Computer Science at the University of Oxford and Cambridge, and are well-placed to guide you through personal statement writing, the entrance exam (if applicable) and the interview process. We may suggest a range of application tutors to choose from with slightly differing rates depending on qualifications and level of experience.

2) We typically suggest beginning with a 1.5 hour informal assessment/ taster session, where the tutor will informally assess the student’s current performance level for application, including test and interview. Following this, we issue a report with feedback, and structure a plan to best prepare.

3) U2’s approach for regular Computer Science tuition sessions: Tutorial sessions may be used to explore CS ideas that can be discussed in the personal statement, touching on some theoretical aspects of CS which tutors enjoy reading. Tutors ensure each student refines their interests within Computer Science, and is exposed to a range of approaches and new concepts, guiding students in their reading and wider subject exploration. Students will then move on to topics which are more relevant for interviews and are not covered extensively at school level (especially Maths). A large emphasis will be placed on problem solving, with students tasked with problem sets to complete between sessions.

Frequency of sessions can be decided between student and tutor. Students can take either ad hoc sessions, or we structure a full programme for preparation, which may include further co-curricular opportunities such as our research projects, Summer Schools and Oxbridge mock interview days. Honing the skills necessary to succeed for Oxbridge ideally requires long-term preparation and mentoring presents a wonderful opportunity to learn from some of the very best Oxbridge has produced. We also provide GCSE, A-Level or IB Computer Science (and other subject) support if needed.


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