Our Ultimate Guide to St Paul’s School 11 Plus (11+) Entrance

In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve into the St Paul's 11+ admissions process, share insights on the tests and interviews, and provide invaluable tips for successful preparation.

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St Paul’s School 11 Plus Key Facts and Dates

School Location: Hammersmith, London

School Type: All boys, Independent London Day School

Does it Offer Boarding?: Yes

Registration Deadline: Typically November each year (check the specific date on the website)

ISEB Online Pre-Test Date (Stage 1): December (check specific date for your year of application)

11+ St Paul’s Exam Date (Stage 2): January (check specific date for your year of application)

11+ St Paul’s Interviews (Stage 3): January (check specific date for your year of application)

The St Paul's 11 Plus Admissions Process: Overview

Registering for the St Paul's 11+ entrance is the first crucial step. Parents should be mindful of the registration window, typically opening well in advance. At U2 Tuition, we recommend early registration to ensure ample preparation time. The tests and interviews are integral components of the admissions process, with dates announced well in advance. Being proactive in securing these dates is key.

Registration typically closes in Early November.

St Paul's Boys' 11 Plus Tests and Interviews

The St Paul's Boys' 11+ entrance examination process is a multi-step journey designed to assess the academic level, potential, and character of prospective students. Understanding the stages and requirements of these tests is essential for effective preparation. (N.B., this guide is for St Paul’s Boys 11 Plus entry, if you’d like to learn about the St Paul’s Girls 11 Plus Admissions Process, read our separate blog here.)

Here's an overview:

1. ISEB Online Pre-Test: The Initial Hurdle

All Year 6 candidates are required to take the ISEB online pre-test. The ISEB pre-test is a pivotal step that sets the stage for the subsequent phases of evaluation. The ISEB Common Pre-Test is an online test divided into four sections (English, Mathematics, Verbal Reasoning and Non-Verbal Reasoning), each lasting between 20-30 minutes. We have an insightful article on the ISEB test and how to prepare here.

Candidates can choose to sit the test at St Paul's School or at their current school if it is an ISEB registered invigilation centre. Success in the ISEB pre-test qualifies candidates for the next stage.

2. Written Examinations in English and Mathematics: Assessing Academic Proficiency

For those who clear the ISEB pre-test, the next step involves written examinations in English and Mathematics, conducted at St Paul's School in January. These assessments delve into the candidates' understanding of core subjects, testing their academic readiness for the challenges that lie ahead. Find out our top tips for preparation later in this guide!

How U2 Tuition Can Help: If interested in tutoring, our experienced 11+ tutors at U2 Tuition are well-versed in the specific requirements of St Paul's 11+ tests and tailor their teaching methods to ensure your child is adequately prepared.

3. St Paul’s 11+ Interviews

Successful performance in the written exams earns candidates an invitation to the crucial in-person interview stage. These interviews commence shortly after the examination date.

During the interview, candidates have the opportunity to meet senior members of the staff, including the Head. Interviews at St Paul's delve beyond academics, aiming to understand the candidate's personality, interests, and potential contribution to the school community. Likewise, parents are given the chance to engage with the Head, to develop more of an understanding of the school's ethos and expectations.

Read our comprehensive guide on 11 plus interviews with tips and strategies here. You may also be interested in our 10 and 11 plus interview questions pack, filled with useful practice questions.

How U2 Tuition Can Help: We have tutors who specialise specifically in 11+ St Paul’s interview preparation, many of whom are alumni of the school themselves. These sessions equip students with the confidence and communication skills needed to excel in the interview process.

4. International Considerations: Overseas Candidates

For overseas candidates, the school streamlines the process by scheduling interviews in the same week as the examination.

5. Resources and Syllabus: Preparation Essentials

While St Paul's Boys' School does not distribute past papers in Mathematics and English, they do provide a comprehensive syllabus for the 11+ examination. This valuable resource guides candidates and their tutors in focusing their preparation on the essential topics and skills necessary for success.

Tips for St Paul’s 11+ Test and Interview Preparation

  1. Early Start: Begin the preparation journey early. St Paul's is known for its rigorous curriculum, and starting early allows your child to build a strong foundation in key subjects. This early start aids in mastering the advanced concepts that may be encountered in the examinations.

  2. Tailor Your Approach to St Paul's Expectations: Recognise that St Paul's seeks candidates who go above and beyond their age level. Tailor your child's preparation to not just meet but exceed the standard expectations. This may involve exploring advanced topics, engaging in independent reading, and fostering a genuine love for learning.

  3. Mock Tests for Familiarity: Regularly expose your child to mock test papers - handpick past papers from similarly academic schools to practice from. You could even challenge the student at a later stage with 13+ past papers, a level above. This will help them become familiar with the format and time constraints of the examinations, reducing anxiety on the actual test day. It also provides an opportunity to identify and address any weak areas in their knowledge.

  4. Subject-Specific Focus: Identify the subjects where your child may need additional support and focus on enhancing their proficiency in English, Mathematics, and reasoning skills.

  5. Develop Critical Thinking Skills: St Paul's values students who exhibit advanced critical thinking skills. Encourage your child to engage in activities that stimulate their analytical and problem-solving abilities. This could include puzzles, debates, and discussions on a wide range of topics. You can keep your child engaged with current affairs via publications like The Week Junior.

  6. Effective Time Management: The examinations at St Paul's can be demanding in terms of time. Instill effective time management skills in your child to ensure they can complete each section of the tests within the allocated time. This skill is crucial for success in the written examinations.

  7. 11+ Interview Skills:

    • Prepare your child for the in-person interview by conducting mock interviews at home. Focus on articulation, clarity, and confidence in responses. Discuss potential questions that may be asked and encourage your child to express their thoughts coherently. Ensure your child doesn’t sound rehearsed, but has lots of exciting material to draw on in answer to interview questions.

    • St Paul's seeks students who are not only academically adept but also well-rounded individuals so encouraging your child to actively participate in extracurricular activities will also demonstrate a range of interests and qualities that go beyond the academic realm and will provide great discussion points for interview.

    • Children should in no way sound rehearsed, but getting them used to discussing and debating will help immensely! U2 Tuition's specialised interview tutors also provide valuable insights into the types of questions asked and strategies for effective responses if you’d like a helping hand.

    • We also have an 11+ interview preparation pack, which includes loads of detail on how to prepare, how to hone your child’s communication skills and an array of questions to practice

What St Paul's is Looking For at 11 Plus Level

St Paul's seeks well-rounded individuals who not only excel academically but also demonstrate passion, curiosity, and a commitment to contributing positively to the school community. Our 11+ tutors at U2 Tuition work closely with students to nurture these qualities, aligning their preparation with St Paul's expectations.

Embarking on the St Paul's Boys School 11+ entrance journey requires strategic preparation and a comprehensive understanding of the admissions process. With U2 Tuition's expertise, your child can confidently navigate the challenges and emerge successful in the St Paul's 11+ journey. Here’s how we support:

St Paul’s 11+ Tutoring: The Process with U2 Tuition

11+ tutoring is an invaluable way to hone your child’s 11 plus preparation with targeted sessions to build their skills and confidence before the 11+ exam. Find out more about the benefits of 11+ tutoring here.

  • You can book a consultation to discuss your specific requirements with us, timeline to St Paul’s 11+ entry etc. We will then speak to our 11+ tutor team and recommend you one of our tutors with most experience with St Paul’s entrance specifically at 11+ level. Some of our tutors are alumni of the school itself.

  • We arrange a preliminary session with the tutor to assess mentor fit. This is usually a diagnostic session, split between English, Maths and some integrated reasoning. We issue a full report following this session and a suggested plan for preparation individualised to the particular student.

  • Rather than teach curriculum material, sessions are geared entirely towards school entrance preparation for this form of tuition, ensuring the student is able to broach each question format, and particularly the more complex latter questions in each examination. E.g. Longer analytical questions for comprehensions and the more complex problem-solving or multi-step Maths questions. Tutors have a wealth of challenging past papers at their disposal, and also have their own materials to use for consolidation of topics etc. Sessions typically involve past paper practice in an interactive setting, pausing to consolidate tricky topics, and generally working to elevate the student’s level to compete with the strongest candidates for these top schools.

  • We also arrange interview preparation with either the same mentor or one of our interview specialists if needed.


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